Preparation for motherhood: what you and your baby need

This article provides important tips and a checklist for expectant mothers on how to prepare for motherhood. It covers everything from arranging the nursery with the right furniture and accessories to choosing the right postpartum care products for the mother. Whether you are planning to m

Preparing for motherhood is an exciting and transformative time for any woman. When you're expecting your baby, it's important to plan ahead so you and your newborn have everything you need to transition smoothly into this new chapter of life. By the way, all the necessary things for the baby, as well as for the mother, can be purchased at the Mamovita store, where the expectant mother will find everything, from means for feeding the baby, to high-quality cosmetics for skin and hair. Below, we'll look at how to prepare for motherhood, as well as the essential things you should prepare for both baby and postpartum.

For the Baby

Nursery Essentials

Crib and Mattress: Invest in a safe, comfortable crib or bassinet for your baby to sleep in.

Bedding: Purchase soft, breathable bedding, including fitted sheets and light blankets.

Changing Table: A dedicated space for diaper changes, equipped with a changing pad, will make diapering more manageable.

Feeding Supplies

Breastfeeding Gear: If you plan to breastfeed, consider a breast pump, nursing bras, and nipple cream. Nursing pillows can also help maintain a comfortable position.

Bottles and Formula: For those who plan to formula feed, have a stock of baby bottles, nipples, and formula.


Buy a range of baby clothing in different sizes, including onesies, sleepers, socks, and hats. Remember, babies grow quickly!

Health and Grooming

Keep a baby first-aid kit, which includes a thermometer, baby nail clippers, and a bulb syringe for suctioning mucus.


Car Seat: A properly installed car seat is essential for bringing your baby home safely.

Stroller: Depending on your lifestyle, choose a stroller that best suits your needs.

For the Mother

Postpartum Care Supplies

Comfortable Clothing: Loose, comfortable clothing is a must. Consider high-waisted underwear and nursing tops if you are breastfeeding.

Pads and Ice Packs: Stock up on maxi pads and consider soothing ice packs or witch hazel pads for postpartum recovery.

Nipple Cream: If breastfeeding, this can help soothe and protect sore nipples.


Prepare meals in advance and stock your freezer to make sure you have easy access to nutritious food after the baby arrives.

Support Resources

Books and Guides: Read up on baby care and postpartum recovery to feel more prepared.

Help: Arrange for support from family or a postpartum doula to help you manage the initial weeks with your newborn.

General Preparation

  • Attend Prenatal Classes: These can provide valuable information on childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn care.
  • Install the Car Seat: Have your car seat professionally installed or checked at a car seat inspection station.
  • Pack a Hospital Bag: Prepare a bag with everything you’ll need for your stay in the hospital, such as ID, insurance information, clothes, toiletries, snacks, and any comforts of home you might want.

Preparing for motherhood involves both practical and emotional planning. By organizing the essentials ahead of time, you can ensure a smoother transition into parenting. This preparation will not only support your baby’s needs but also help you manage the physical and emotional challenges of the postpartum period.

Alisa Medison

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