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Do not let anyone deceive you o, everyone is doing what is best for them. You can here alone and you will die alone, wife/woman or not. So, calculate your life well and DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU. A disloyal women will shorten your life span and life is already short. Don't fall for it.

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People could pretend to be who they are not but just let time happen to them. Time is the greatest asset we have. It tells all things. It is the unavoidable snitch we all have to deal with. Time takes her time but leaves no stone unturned.

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Adigun: 1 talent I respect so much. #9ice #alakpomeji

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May all whom you love and care about return to you safe and sound for this is the only way to finding peace even when in the past you were once separated. Find union and bond to heal again and heal better for good.

No weapon formed against true, purest bonds shall prosper.

In a man-made world where disaster occur because of the misconceptions of truths and the blindness in the reality it corresponds to.


#celebisland #celebislanddotcom

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May the agreement you make in life even with your own self never come against you or your thoughts for that would be the beginning of another man's fears. Unfortunately.

Peace be with you all.💫🕊️

#celebisland #celebislanddotcom

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Just as men talk and this shouldn't be about gender. Communication stands as a means of interactive relationship between living beings and as of today's technological innovative world, the AI's. So, it is a mirror mirror on the wall if you put it that way saying women are gossips and cheats yet and notwithstanding, generalising your perception of what you have determined to be factual. In communication people learn anew and better, if that's gossip to you, goodluck.

#CelebIsland #Celebislanddotcom

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People's job is to show you who they really are. Yours is to believe them and act on what they have shown you. If you do not do your own job, do not expect nature to help you fight for the mess you have gotten yourself into. Nature will only help when you have fulfilled her laws. Beware.

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I embrace imperfection and an unending resolve and action towards reaching perfection, even though nobody can ever be perfect. It is important to strive to be a better person no matter what situation I might find myself in life. Those who judge me are imperfect and judging me imperfectly with an imperfect measure; judgement. Those who taunt you with your imperfections are more imperfect than you are because they know nothing about themselves. Life is a personal journey, anyone who understands that will go far in growth but those who do not will remain slaves to their pre-conditioned thoughts.

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Practice makes perfect.
I don't practice being good to preach good.
I am good and preach good for better growth both personal and those who I preach to.

In the midst of abundance practice is a learner. 😌💝🕊️

#celebisland #celebislanddotcom

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You are not BLACK. You are AFRICAN. ✊