d4goldigmeet changed her profile picture
1 y


Is everyone fgrom here really from Argentina? if so, how are you doing over there?

1 y - Translate

Instagram has started again. I think my account has been shadow banned. Could it be because of the Seun Kuti case c Seun Anikulapo Kuti or because I said the Vp Kamala Harris, should look into the several mishaps going on in nigeria, including but not limited to the 2023 Presidential election malpractices? Is human rights only involved hen it has to do with the LGBTQ right? Well, I will assume they have a glitch but it seems everyone is expericing the same issue. If not, then we know what the deal is already. You do not even have to be wrong to be wrong. So, If you speak say the truth, you will be blackballed? Or is Instagram generally down?

1 y - Translate

Better is coming soon enough.

#respectisreciprocal #ittakestwototango #loveisreal #celebisland #loveisbeautiful #thebestisyettocome #celebislanddotcom

1 y - Translate

There's nothing worse than delaying yourself only to blame it on procrastination when the foolery of repeating stories is the main cause of peace and unhappiness.

#celebisland #celebislanddotcom #part 2

1 y - Translate

Life is too beautiful to be repeating history. Change it if you may, amend it if need be.

However, the end result MUST never be the same.

#celebisland #celebislanddotcom #part 1

1 y - Translate

Beautiful Sunday 🌻⛅🌤️🌄🌅🌇🌞

#CelebIsland #CelebIslandDotCom

Mmzy changed his profile picture
1 y

Showing 733 out of 1869
You are not BLACK. You are AFRICAN. ✊