Erangel vs. Sanhok: Why PUBG Fans Choose the Classic Battlefield

Sanhok offers fast-paced, close-quarters combat in a lush jungle setting, while Erangel provides a more strategic, expansive battleground with diverse terrains and varied engagements, catering to different playstyles in PUBG.

When dropping into PUBG, the choice of map can drastically alter the gameplay experience. Sanhok and Erangel stand out as two of the most popular maps, each offering a unique set of challenges and opportunities that define the flow of the match. Understanding the nuances of these locations can elevate your gameplay, making it crucial to dive deep into what each map brings to the table. 

Sanhok: The Jungle Frenzy

Sanhok is the go-to map for those who crave fast-paced action. Set in a dense, tropical environment, Sanhok's compact 4x4 km size encourages constant engagement and quick decision-making. This map's small size means fewer places to hide and a higher likelihood of encountering enemies early on. Unlike Erangel, where strategy often involves finding the best loot spots far from the action, Sanhok demands agility and adaptability. The lush greenery, dense foliage, and frequent rainfall provide ample cover, making ambushes and close-quarter combat more common.

Redditors who frequent Sanhok often share experiences of intense early-game skirmishes. Many have noted the importance of being constantly on the move, as staying in one place too long often results in being flanked. One user recounted a moment when they barely survived a fight at Bootcamp, only to be picked off by another squad moments later while looting. Such experiences highlight the relentless pace that defines Sanhok gameplay.

Landing zones like Bootcamp, Paradise Resort, and Ruins are hotspots for early confrontations, drawing multiple squads eager for a quick firefight. However, while these areas promise high-tier loot, they also bring the risk of being overwhelmed before even securing a weapon. The more cautious players often opt for less contested areas like Camp Alpha or Ban Tai, where they can gear up without immediate confrontation but must remain vigilant as the circle closes in rapidly.

Erangel: The Classic Battlefield

Erangel, PUBG's original map, presents a more balanced and tactical experience. Spanning 8x8 km, it offers a blend of urban warfare, rural skirmishes, and long-range engagements. The map's design includes a variety of terrains, from the dense urban environment of Pochinki to the open fields around Gatka and the rugged mountains near Stalber. This diversity in landscape demands a versatile approach, where long-range sniping, vehicular combat, and stealth all play crucial roles.

Veteran players on Reddit often praise Erangel for its balanced gameplay, where strategy often outweighs raw aggression. One user shared a story about a squad that tactically moved through the map, starting in Georgopol and slowly working their way down to the final circle near the Military Base. Their success lay not in winning early fights but in smart positioning and calculated engagements. This kind of strategic play is less common on Sanhok, where the pace often forces players into more immediate confrontations.

In Erangel, drop locations can vary greatly depending on your preferred style. Hot zones like Pochinki, Schools, and Military Bases offer high-risk, high-reward scenarios, where quick reflexes and good loot can turn the tide early on. However, more isolated areas like Severny or Kameshki allow for a quieter start, giving time to gather resources before engaging with other squads. The map's larger size also means that vehicles play a significant role, offering mobility across vast distances and providing crucial cover in open fields.

Sanhok vs. Erangel: A Matter of Tempo

The primary difference between Sanhok and Erangel lies in their pacing. Sanhok's smaller size and dense terrain lead to a more frenetic, close-quarters combat experience. It's a map for those who thrive on constant action and quick reflexes. In contrast, Erangel's larger size and varied landscape cater to players who prefer a more methodical approach, where positioning, long-range engagements, and strategic movement often decide the outcome of a match.

Community feedback often reflects these differences. Many players describe Sanhok as a "fight-or-flight" experience, where survival hinges on quick thinking and constant movement. On the other hand, Erangel is often seen as a "thinking man's map," where planning, adaptability, and patience are key.

5 Reasons Why PUBG’s Sanhok Map Is Not Much Liked Compared to Erangel

1. Map Size and Combat Dynamics

Sanhok, being significantly smaller than Erangel, often forces players into fast-paced, high-intensity encounters. While some enjoy the constant action, many find it overwhelming and prefer the more strategic pacing of Erangel. Erangel's larger size offers more breathing room and the opportunity to plan tactics, which appeals to those who prefer a balance between combat and strategy.

2. Terrain and Visibility Challenges

The dense foliage and varied elevation in Sanhok can make it difficult to spot enemies, leading to more unexpected ambushes. In contrast, Erangel’s mix of open fields, urban areas, and forests provides diverse but manageable sightlines, allowing players to scout and engage more effectively. This difference often makes Erangel the preferred choice for those who value clear visibility and strategic positioning.

3. Loot Distribution and Resource Management

Sanhok’s loot is often concentrated in specific hotspots, leading to chaotic early-game skirmishes that can be frustrating for players who prefer a more measured approach. Erangel, with its more evenly distributed loot, allows for a slower buildup, giving players time to equip themselves properly before engaging in combat. This aspect makes Erangel feel more balanced and rewarding for those who enjoy a more traditional battle royale experience.

4. Player Count and Game Flow

The higher player density in Sanhok can lead to shorter, more frantic matches, which can feel less satisfying for those who enjoy the tension of longer games. Erangel’s larger map size accommodates the traditional 100-player count more comfortably, leading to a more gradual progression of encounters that many players find more enjoyable.

5. Nostalgia and Familiarity

Erangel holds a special place in the hearts of many PUBG players as the original map. Its familiarity, combined with its well-rounded design, often gives it an edge over Sanhok. Players who have spent countless hours mastering Erangel’s terrain and strategies are more likely to prefer it, as it represents the quintessential PUBG experience.

Understanding PUBG G-Coins

In addition to choosing the right map, optimizing your PUBG experience involves making smart decisions with PUBG G-Coins. G-Coins are the premium currency in PUBG, and using them wisely can enhance your gameplay in several ways.

What Are PUBG G-Coins?

G-coins are the in-game currency that can be purchased with real money. They allow you to unlock premium content, such as exclusive skins, outfits, event passes, and other items that personalize and enhance your character’s appearance and gameplay experience.

How to Use PUBG G-Coins Wisely

Prioritize Event Passes

One of the best uses of G-Coins is to purchase event passes. These passes offer tiered rewards as you complete challenges, often including rare skins and other valuable items. Investing in an event pass can provide long-term value, as it rewards consistent play with exclusive content that is otherwise inaccessible.

Unlock Exclusive Skins and Outfits

Customizing your character or weapons with unique skins can make your PUBG experience more enjoyable. Use G-Coins to unlock skins that resonate with your style or enhance your in-game presence. However, consider focusing on limited-time or rare skins that are less likely to be available later, maximizing the impact of your G-Coins.

Be Cautious with Crate Purchases

While opening crates can be exciting, it’s essential to recognize the gamble involved. Crates offer a mix of common and rare items, so allocate your G-Coins wisely. If you’re aiming for a specific rare item, it might be more efficient to wait for direct purchase options rather than relying solely on crates.

Take Advantage of Special Offers

Keep an eye out for limited-time bundles and discounts that provide additional value for your G-Coins. These offers often include multiple items at a reduced price, allowing you to stretch your G-Coins further and get more bang for your buck.
Invest in Emotes for Extra Fun

Emotes are a fun way to express yourself in-game, whether you’re celebrating a victory or taunting an opponent. Using G-Coins to purchase emotes adds an extra layer of personality to your gameplay, making each match more interactive and enjoyable. Due to its multiple uses in the game, some players will choose pubg g buy coins at mmowow.


Choosing between Sanhok and Erangel depends on your preferred playstyle, but understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each map can help you make the most of your PUBG experience. Additionally, using G-Coins strategically allows you to unlock content that enhances your gameplay, whether through exclusive skins, event passes, or other in-game items. By combining smart map selection with wise G-Coin spending, you can elevate your PUBG experience to new heights, making every match more engaging and rewarding.

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