Can Twisted Tea Get You Drunk

Twisted Tea is a popular alcoholic beverage that has been gaining traction in recent years.

But how much alcohol is actually in a can of Twisted Tea? And could it actually get you drunk? Let's take a closer look at this popular drink to find out!


What Is Twisted Tea?


Twisted Tea is an alcoholic beverage made with tea, natural flavors and real brewed tea. It comes in both regular and flavored varieties with 5% ABV (alcohol by volume). The cans are 16 ounces and are often served over ice or as part of a mixed drink. It also comes in canned cocktails like hard lemonade or strawberry limeade, which have between 7-8% ABV depending on the brand.


How Much Alcohol Is In A Can Of Twisted Tea?


A can of Twisted Tea contains 5% ABV (alcohol by volume), which is the equivalent of one standard drink per 12-ounce can. That means if you were to drink an entire 16-ounce can, you would be consuming approximately 1.5 standard drinks-worth of alcohol. For comparison, beer typically contains 4-6% ABV depending on the type and wine typically contains 12-14% ABV. So although it may not seem like much, drinking just one 16-ounce can of Twisted Tea could put you over the legal limit for driving!


Can You Get Drunk Off Of Twisted Tea?


Yes, it is possible to get drunk off of a single can of Twisted Tea depending on your weight, gender and tolerance level for alcohol. Generally speaking, women tend to feel the effects of alcohol more quickly than men due to their lower body weight and slower metabolism (1). Similarly, people who don’t consume alcohol regularly will likely feel the effects quicker since they don’t have as much tolerance built up over time. So if you’re planning on having more than one can of twisted tea, keep this in mind! Find more info about do twisted teas get you drunk


What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking Too Much Twisted Tea?


Drinking too much twisted tea (or any other alcoholic beverage) can lead to dehydration and nausea due to its diuretic properties—which means that it causes your body to lose water faster than it would normally do without alcohol consumption. It’s important to stay hydrated when drinking any kind of alcoholic beverage so make sure you’re getting plenty of fluids throughout the day – especially if you plan on having more than one twisted tea! Other potential side effects include headaches, dizziness, slurred speech and/or impaired vision– all signs that you should stop drinking immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.


How do I avoid getting too drunk off Twisted Teas?


If you want to avoid getting too drunk off Twisted Teas then there are several steps that you can take:

Drink responsibly:


Know your limits when it comes to drinking alcoholic beverages—the more experienced drinker knows their limit better than someone who is new to drinking so if possible stick with friends or family members who know their own safe levels and practice responsible drinking habits together.


Pace yourself:


Don’t chug down all four beers back-to-back—pace yourself throughout the night so your body has time to adjust between drinks and avoid having too many drinks at once!


Snack strategically:


Eating food before or during alcohol consumption helps slow down the absorption rate of the drink into the bloodstream. This means that eating something like a burger before having a beer could help prevent excessive intoxication later on in the evening! Get more information about how many twisted teas get you drunk


Alternate between non-alcoholic drinks:


Drinking water or other non-alcoholic beverages between beers lets your body process out some of the alcohol already consumed. This will reduce your overall blood alcohol content level over time so that it doesn’t reach dangerous levels as quickly as if all four beers were consumed at once!


Be mindful of how much caffeine is in each beer:


Caffeine acts as a stimulant when mixed with alcohol which can lead to more rapid intoxication levels due to its diuretic effect. Therefore it’s important to be mindful of how much caffeine is contained within each beer before consuming it—especially if mixing caffeinated beers with other types like wine or spirits!




In conclusion, we hope that this article has given you some insight into what exactly is in a can of twisted tea – including how much alcohol it contains and what side effects could occur from drinking too much. As always, please remember to drink responsibly and never drive after consuming any kind of alcoholic beverage including twisted tea. While Twisted Teas can certainly make you drunk if consumed in large quantities—it’s important to drink them responsibly by pacing yourself throughout consumption and being mindful of how much caffeine is contained within each beer. If followed correctly these tips should help ensure that anyone enjoying these delicious beverages won’t end up excessively intoxicated during an evening out with friends or family members
