Dating is dead, and we're all to blame.

It's true: people are hooking up more than ever before. In fact, according to a recent study by the University of Kansas, it's estimated that over 40% of college students have hooked up with someone they've never dated. Here are some reasons why:


1) Hooking up is easier than dating. When you're on a date with someone, there are expectations—you have to put in effort! You have to be witty and charming and thoughtful and interesting. But when you're hooking up with someone, none of those things matter—you just get naked together and hump for awhile until one of you leaves or passes out or both! It's just so much easier… which is why everyone does it!

2) Everyone is so busy nowadays that it's hard to find time for romance. We all have jobs and classes and extracurriculars to juggle, so when you finally do manage to meet someone who seems like they might be worth pursuing romantically… well… they probably aren't going to be around long enough for anything serious anyway! And even if they were available for something serious… how much time could they put into it?

If you're single, this may not be news to you. But if you're in a relationship, you may be surprised to hear that more and more young people are no longer dating but hooking up.

Why? Because it's easier! You don't have to go through all the awkward small talk, or worry about whether or not your partner is going to like your personality (or worse, what if they don't?). Hooking up means that both parties are on the same page—they know what they want and how to get it.

But what happens when things get serious? What happens when one of those hookups decides they want more? How do they know if their partner has the same feelings? Because when it comes down to it, that's really all any of us want: someone who really cares about us and wants us around.

When you're dating someone new, remember that relationships take work and commitment—and even though being casual might seem easier at first glance, it also means you have less control over what happens next.

Kelly Hansome

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