Fallout 76 Atomic Shop Lets Players Buy Cosmetic Items With Real Money

Fallout 76 Atomic Shop Lets Players Buy Cosmetic Items With Real Money

Bethesda has released some details regarding the Atomic Shop microtransaction system Fallout 76 Items in its upcoming online survival RPG Fallout 76.

The Atomic Shop will allow players to purchase cosmetic items using the in-game currency Atoms. Items Buy Fallout 76 Items on offer include outfits, weapon skins, emotes, poses and frames for photo mode, and more. Bethesda is keen to stress that nothing in the Atomic Shop will give players a gameplay advantage; rather, the objective of the items on sale is to "bring joy not just to you, but the other dwellers around you".

Players will be able to access the Atomic Shop as soon as their created character exits Vault 76 and begins the game proper. In addition to being able to purchase Atoms with real money, players will also be able to earn them through completing in-game challenges. These challenges include things like harvesting herbs, crafting armor, and learning cooking recipes, and will be updated regularly. Daily and weekly challenges will be available in addition to general objectives, which are sorted into categories like "Survival" and "World".

Each challenge can only be completed once per account, so you won't be able to stack them multiple times to keep earning Atoms. Some challenges, however, will increase several times, allowing you to earn Atoms from the same activity multiple times. In addition to this, Bethesda plans to keep updating the challenge list with all-new objectives, so players will constantly have something new to strive towards.

All Atoms, and items purchased with Atoms, will carry over from the game's B.E.T.A phase into its November 14th launch, as well as challenge progress and character progress. New items will also be added to the Atomic Shop at this time.

Fallout 76 is an upcoming online survival game set in the post-apocalyptic Fallout universe. It'll be released for PC, PS4, and Xbox One on November 14th, but won't include cross-play between the platforms.

Looking forward to buying some outfits and emotes from the Atomic Shop? Let us know in the comments below!


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