X 60.All her close friends were
obviously seen as ... easy
women ... by everyone.
But ... she tried to look

X 60.All her close friends were
obviously seen as ... easy
women ... by everyone.
But ... she tried to look as a
saint into his eyes ... lying
him so, so beautifully … … an article written by the wellknown romanian writer Adrian Dumitru

She was beautiful.

.... extremely beautiful.

Her friends also.

They were like a group of princesses ... making all men around lose their minds.

But... i knew them all.

Somehow ... like many others ... i just considered them ... easy women.

I knew the past of many of them.

Paula had ... maybe 70-90 men.

Sheila ... hundreds.

Emily ... the same.

For all of these ladies ... tasting men ... was a hobby.

Done ... with passion.

And ... many times ... even with obsession.

But .... today ... i saw Kate ... acting so, so differently.

She was in relationship with this new guy ... Elvis ... but acting like she was a saint ... who spent all her life into the monastery.

I knew Emily .... very well.

... from kindergarten.

I think she already had 10-15 boyfriends ... when we started the primary school.

And ... i was always ironic with her ... related to the subject.

Today .... I was smiling ... seeing her playing this role ... of a saint ... with this new guy.

So ... i've asked her ... "Do you really believe that an easy woman ... can really have a real relationship ... just with one man?!

Especially ... knowing that she can have absolutely any man she wants.

Whenever she wants."

She smiled.


Replying ... "Maybe ... yes. Maybe ... no.

But i want to play this new game ... of acting as a saint.

I've never done it.

So ... i want to try it.

At least ... as an experiment.

And ... i do my best.

If i fail ... it's ok.


I'll easily find another man ... for my new experiments."

I could not believe it.

She saw the relationship with a man... as an experiment.

Maybe the man ... was seen as a mouse from .... laboratory.

But ... you see ... she was really beautiful.

She could indeed have any man she wanted.

She could afford to do whatever she wanted to do with men.

So ... maybe she really wanted to test ... a longterm relationship.

Even if her past ... proved ... that she adored tasting men.

Many men.

Play with them.

Play with their minds.

And .... enjoy doing it.

Download the book ”The princess syndrome

... perceptions of an idiot man - essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com 



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