Monopoly GO: Today's Events (Sep 29, 2024)

1. Tournaments Overview
- Claw Course
Start: 2024/9/30 04:00:00
End: 2024/10/2 01:59:00
Duration: 01:21:59

- Asgardian Gains
Start: 2024/9/30 04:00:00
End: 2024/10/2 20:59:00
Duration: 02:16:59

2. Special Events

Monopoly GO! frequently hosts special events throughout the day, designed to boost your progress and enhance your overall gameplay. Each event has a defined start and end time, but some events only begin once you open the app, triggering a countdown that lasts between 30 to 60 minutes.

Upcoming Special Events:
- Cash Grab
Start: 2024/9/29 15:00:00
End: 2024/9/29 20:59:00
Duration: 00:20:00

- Rent Frenzy
Start: 2024/9/29 21:00:00
End: 2024/9/29 23:59:00
Duration: 00:30:00

- High Roller
Start: 2024/9/30 00:00:00
End: 2024/9/30 02:59:00
Duration: 00:05:00

- Mega Heist
Start: 2024/9/30 03:00:00
End: 2024/9/30 05:59:00
Duration: 00:45:00

- Free Parking
Start: 2024/9/30 06:00:00
End: 2024/9/30 08:59:00
Duration: 01:00:00

- Roll Match
Start: 2024/9/30 09:00:00
End: 2024/9/30 20:59:00
Duration: 00:10:00

- Rent Frenzy
Start: 2024/9/30 09:00:00
End: 2024/9/30 14:59:00
Duration: 00:30:00


3. Quick Wins Challenges

Daily Quick Wins:
- Land on GO (1 time): 10 Dices, 3 Peg-E Tokens
- Bank Heist (1 time): Cash, 5 Peg-E Tokens
- Upgrade Landmarks (2 times): 15 Dices, 7 Peg-E Tokens

Maximizing your time in Monopoly GO! means staying informed about tournaments, special events, and quick wins. U4GM offers Monopoly Go buy Dice, use coupon code "harry" to get an extra 5% off your purchase!

Wang Harry

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