X 17."My dear ... don't allow yourself
to be guided by lost souls.
It's stupid ...." … wri

X 17."My dear ... don't allow yourself
to be guided by lost souls.
It's stupid ...." … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

She was ... happy.

Had an amazing connection ... with him.

On ... all levels.

Mentally ... sexually ... all ...

And ... still ... i was seeing her envying her friends ... which were dating all the time ... with other men.

New ... and new men.

I found it ... illogical... and it was the clear evidence that not even in best case scenarios ... we can't really appreciate that we actually have all.

And ... the happiness itself.

Unfortunately ... that envy didn't disappeared.

It became more and more obvious.

... even for him.

He was blinded by the love from his soul ... but realised that ... not offering her .... something undefined for him ... he could not keep her focus active .... only and only for their relationship.

Envy ... became bigger and bigger.

... being in fact the reflection of the desire of doing that too.

She would probably want to continue enjoying her


relationship with him ... but also do this game of dating with men.

... like all her friends.

Go out to beautiful coffee shops or restaurants ... talk ... connect to new souls ... enjoy that beautiful energy of the beginning ... and ...

So one day ... he told her .... "My dear ... it is obviously for me that you want this game of dating too.

What if i allow you to do it?!

And ... you should allow yourself to do it too.

You can find lots of men.

Instal dating apps.

Chat with them ....

Date with them ... and enjoy little bit ... this game of playing with men.

I mean ... many men.

At least ... as an experiment.

The desire itself exists ... anyway...

So ....

Make it real. Experience it."

She could not believe ... what she was hearing ... but deep inside herself ... she wanted that.

"And ... you wouldn't mind it?!"

He only smiled ... not saying anything else ... but saying to himself ... "I already know you allow yourself.... by a long time ... to be guided by the influences of your friends.

So ... what is really the difference if you cheat me for real ... if in fact ... you've cheated me into your mind ... by such a long time.

I need to accept ... all those obvious facts …"


She didn't knew what to reply to him ... but on the other hand ... she felt embarrassed.

She ... wanted ... such contradictory things ... for her life.

Be happy ... with her man ... but also enjoy ... tasting other men ... same as her friends ... which were having lots of dates ... pretending they just look ... for one man ... and actually be happy together.


Download the book ”The dark side ... of the human being

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.



Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DJH74F6C/ref=sr_1_2?crid=7GNBE779WMB8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.tMSwnofzb6kGE0HemgYvsGu4RcAGQSKB7nb2nMsHEqU.isu4_tPIgqhQRmoSF2x2GBfM7MTSiT6UjG1e7Hdb7WY&dib_tag=se&keywords=adrian+gabriel+dumitru+the+dark+side&qid=1728060172&s=books&sprefix=adrian+gabriel+dumitru+the+dark+si%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C171&sr=1-2

Google Books - https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Adrian_Gabriel_Dumitru_The_dark_side_of_the_human?id=a4okEQAAQBAJ


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com 



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