3 yrs - Translate

Kelly you are not a very nice person, you are very abusive and very insulting and arrogance has got you to where you are and you are now irrelevant. You act like a drama king and a diva and most times you come across as a child without a dummy..... you attitude is distasteful and you need to change because when you insult people and calls names on social media.... it always has a way of coming back to hunt you.... even Bucaneers don’t behave the way you do..... how you got to be a BAN is still a mistery because you have failed yourself. Guy grow up and act like a man not a 21 year old.... disgusting if you ask me.. you need help

3 yrs - Translate

So all this while that we are being asked to join celebisland and leave the controlled Facebook and instalgram.... can someone tell me which satellite we are using for this platform??? I guess it is still the same one that was created and set to the orbits by the white man and this means celebisland can be shut down whenever they choose. Or has Nigeria put a satellite up in outta space? Go back to the drawing table..... send a satellite to the orbits and then no first world country can snoop into your platform..... can the owner of celebisland have influence over FB? But I guarantee you FB can shut down celebisland period.

You are not BLACK. You are AFRICAN. ✊